School Uniforms

School Uniform


Sant Ishar Singh Ji Memorial Public School (10+2) is committed to provide an environment that is safe and respectful of needs and well-being of all the students, staff, parents and guests. We believe that a school uniform or dress code provides such a learning and working environment.


Uniform requirements and suggested quantities are as follow:-

  1. Shirt-White
  2. Skirt/Pent/Nicker/Salwar-Grey
  3. Turban/ Patka- Blue Dark/White
  4. Ribbon-Black/White
  5. Shoes-Black/White
  6. Shocks- Grey/White
  7. Belt And Tie
  8. Track suit with school logo
  9. Blazer- Navy Blue with school logo
  10. House Uniform [Green, Red, Blue, Yellow T-Shirts]


1. Turban from class IX to XII

2. From class L.K.G to II all students will wear track suit with school logo in winter season for all days.

3. From class III to XII students will wear track suit on Wednesday and Saturday in winter season.

4. In Summer season all students will wear grey uniform on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

5. On Saturday White uniform with White Patka/Turban/Dupatta, White Ribbon, Whiten Socks and  White shoes.

6. On Wednesday House uniform.